Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Gossip Girl Returns March 8

And I couldn't be happier! I have been actively missing it! And it returns the day after my 30th birthday! Thanks for the wonderful gift CW! I know you did that just for me! :)


I'm totally digging the hot pink dress amist the sea of black.
Yes, I am aware I will be 30 when this returns, but will be squealing like a giddy little school girl the whole time! I just think I need to keep L as far away from this as possible! This is a side he really doesn't need to see for awhile! ;) Although, in my defense, the target demographic is females aged 18-34.


RAP said...

I'm excited too!

The pink dress is cute - or is it cute because it stands out. You would think their stylist would know to dress them in something else.

SJP said...

No, it's cute in general (I think). The fact it stands out makes it only cuter.

About the all black though, they do live in NYC after all, so....